
Employee Spotlight Harrisburg: Chanin Seeger, Employee Relations Manager

Written by Mariah McCrea | Oct 10, 2019 8:41:41 PM

Chanin Seeger is the Employee Relations Manager located in Harrisburg, PA.  She became part of the V-Soft family during the MDT Technical acquisition in 2017 and has contributed great successes to the company for over 11 years.  Find out what her most relaxing hobby is and her favorite thing about V-Soft family!

Describe your role at V-Soft

My official title is Employee Relationship Manager, but I support all departments within the company. I oversee the recruiting, interviewing, and hiring of new staff. I consult with top executives on strategic planning and manage relationships between management and employees. I work with managers and employees throughout the performance management and goal setting process and spot and issues with employee relations from different departments.  I support all departments within V-Soft. 

What is The Best Thing About V-Soft?

The best thing about V-Soft is my co-workers. I’ve worked with many of them for years and we’ve created great bonds in and outside of work. I've grown close with many of my colleagues and share many great times together.  I can truly call them friends. I love V-Soft family because as a company we make many great memories together during our day-today tasks but we also build bonds serving our communities to together and experiencing new things. It's a great way to get to know each other for such a large company. 

What Does a Fulfilling Day Look Like For You?

My days usually start in the early morning with our morning calls to discuss status updates and interviews with the assigned Account Executives and Recruiters. I make any necessary changes to job priorities and qualification descriptions. I managed many different Bullhorn accounts, client contracts, payroll and tons of other things within the departments to support reaching out goals. A fulfilling day for me would be when everything goes smooth with no complications and I can relax knowing everything is does. 

What Do You Enjoy Doing on Your Free Time?

My son is an amazing soccer player and I spend a lot of my weekends traveling to watch him play and cheer him on. In my free time when I am not sitting at a soccer game, I like to paint. I find that painting is very relaxing. It's a patient hobby to have and the perfect way to spend my free time. The change of pace from my busy day is just what I need. Those are just a few I've done. I can get caught up with it and not realize that hours have flown by.

Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?

Sitting on a beach drinking margaritas… One can only dream.

What’s a Fun Fact About Yourself?

A fun fact about me is that I have an identical twin sister. She is 4 minutes older than me and she still reminds me of it. When my children were younger, they would always get us confused. It’s something you see in movies a lot but we were living it. She makes really awesome homemade soaps, body butter and scrubs. I've gifted them to tons of people over the years. They make great holiday gifts.