
How Industry Experts are Using AI During a Global Pandemic

Written by Brianna Kolder | Aug 12, 2020 2:59:24 PM

The challenges of 2020 are no secret with the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic. The world has seen and experienced economic downfalls, infrastructure impacts, health concerns and more. We are constantly living in ever-changing times that pivot with each new discovery, and  businesses and organizations across the world are relying on Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an innovative technology to help guide them through the many challenges the global pandemic presents.

In a recent virtual event hosted by the AI Innovation Consortium (AIIC) called Back to Business with AI, a group of experts in the field of AI discuss how this technology has impacted the world today. View the above recording of the panel discussion for the full experience, or check out the recap below. 

Meet the Experts 

The discussion on AI's impact was moderated by Konrad Konarski, Chairman of the AIIC, and panelists were instructed to share their personal stories, opinions and experiences. Here's  quick rundown of the expert panel: 

What Impact has AI had on Industry with COVID-19?

When asked this question, all panelists could attest that COVID-19 has impacted each of their businesses/industries, i.e. demand collapse in the supply distribution industry, disruption to overall operations in higher education, misinformation being spread surrounding manufacturing plants, and more. The panelists  explained the benefits of utilizing Artificial Intelligence during these times. Here are some notable examples that were mentioned during the event: 

  • Tyson Foods is leveraging AI with computer vision and machine learning technology to ensure employee safety in manufacturing plants. 
  • IBM is utilizing AI-powered solutions, such as chatbots, to help support knowledge sharing and communication between individuals who might otherwise suffer a language barrier for receiving critical COVID-related information.  
  • IBM is also using PPE detection and contact tracing to ensure face masks are worn and social distancing protocols are being followed.

To learn more about how AI solutions can help you and your business, reach out to

Is there a Reluctance to Invest in AI Technology?

Konrad asked the panelists to talk through any hesitancy businesses may have regarding implementing AI technology. David McCall explained it best when he stated, "sometimes we don't like change - it can be seen as a threat." Here's what our experts had to share on how to begin the journey to AI:

  1. Work with your team members to understand the changes needed to be made in your business 
  2. Realize there needs to be a relationship between AI and the business
  3. Determine the ROI you're seeking

As new AI solutions continue to roll out, the unwillingness to change will begin to chip away. As said by the experts, it's a journey, but people are already seeing the benefits as AI helps support business growth, efficiency and innovation. 

AI's Greatest Impact

The expert AI panel discussion closed out the day-long conference centered on AI getting businesses back to work in this "new normal." Multiple presentations from leaders of various organizations continued to emphasize one thing: The time for AI is now. The panel provided their final remarks as well when asked, "what would you want the audience to take away from this event?"

  • AI tools are evolving fast. In 5 years, tools for AI will become even more sophisticated.
  • Don't be afraid to try it.  Challenge yourself, challenge your peers and challenge your leadership to ask how AI can help run your business better and more effectively.
  • AI won't take away our jobs. AI will actually bring businesses even more opportunities.
  • AI is not something to fear. We should be using AI to make the world a better place, now and in the future.
  • Keep listening. There is so much outside knowledge on the power of AI. Be sure to tap into those resources.