
What is Automation and How Does it Support Business Continuity?

Written by Kasey T | May 7, 2020 8:50:41 PM

We were pleased to host an expert panel on automation as one of our Virtual30 series. This panel discussion featured U of L Professor of Computer Information Systems, Jeff Guan,  AI Innovation Consortium Founding Member, Konrad Konarski, and Managing Director of V-Soft Digital, Manoj Iragavarapu. Together, the panellists shared their knowledge on automation solutions and tips for executing automation for business.

What is Automation?

Automation doesn't just mean using robots or artificial intelligence. Automation is anything you do to make a manual step automated. This can be done with apps or APIs, even connecting your data via IoT is a form of automation. 

How Does Automation Affect My Business/Job?

The public is always scared that technology and automation is going to take their jobs. This is simply not true. Automation doesn't take jobs, but simply changes the job. And new opportunities are created every day as a result of automation. 

What Should I Do to Leverage Advances in Automation?

A great way to leverage automation is to use the data to make informed decisions. Start creating a culture of data-based decisions. But ultimately, how you leverage automation depends on your environment. What tools does your organization provide?  What processes need less human intervention? Managers can review the time and effort it takes to complete each process. It's important to complete design thinking workshops to create an automation roadmap with relevant stakeholders. 

How Can Automation Help Business Continuity?

Business continuity isn't just a buzzword but the key to business survival. Anything that you can do to avoid going to a location and completing a task manually right now can save your business. Even though businesses is disrupted, you still need to reach your customers; automation can be in the form of customer service chatbots. Even though your business is closed, you still need to process payments and pay bills; automation can be in the form of an RPA invoicing system.

A last piece of advice, to gain senior management endorsement for automation strategy,  go after low hanging fruit to easily demonstrate the success of automation.