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Get Your Workplace Future-Ready with ServiceNow Digital Transformation Solutions

Written by Charan Sai Dasagrandhi | Jun 30, 2024 3:48:00 PM

The COVID-19 pandemic forced companies to operate almost completely remotely. Now, digital workplace transformation is happening on a massive scale. A successful workplace transformation improves employee productivity and satisfaction. As employees return to work, it is challenging for businesses to design a hybrid digital workplace strategy that is future-ready and maintains positive employee experiences. ServiceNow offers a digital workplace transformation solution to enable the workplace to be future-ready and offer improved employee experiences.

1. Adopt Cloud Technology

Cloud adoption is a critical aspect of workplace transformation. In a hybrid digital workplace, it’s important to ensure the same quality user experience to employees in different locations and with different devices. ServiceNow is a robust and scalable cloud application that users can access and manage effectively on a single User Interface. ServiceNow cloud strategy empowers enterprises by providing access to services securely and quickly. Using cloud management dashboards, IT teams can gain great visibility into IT infrastructure, other cloud deployments, and service usages. This way IT teams can ensure reliable services to employees working from anywhere.

Benefits of the Cloud-Enabled ServiceNow Platform

  • Easily integrate with on-premises systems, other cloud providers, and 3rd party cloud sources using Cloud API.
  • Consolidate employee services and data into an integrated and well-organized environment with ServiceNow’s scalable cloud architecture.
  • Ensure identical user experiences of applications and service delivery across any device and platform.
  • Monitor data usage, service categories, data centers, and business services with the cloud management portal.
  • Align business services and multi-cloud services to ensure governance in overall cloud operations.
  • Flexible and fast cloud deployments for migrations or other cloud services.

2. Make HR an Active Business Partner

In the digital hybrid workplace, Human Resources must evolve to become an active and strategic business partner. Invest in HR automation to meet the needs of a dynamic workplace and offer better employee experiences.

ServiceNow’s HR Automation Tools

  • Global Employee Service Centre: The global HR case management and employee service center streamlines and consolidates all HR systems and services in one place, providing improved employee experiences.
  • Knowledge base ServiceNow offers a strong knowledgebase that can store a library of articles that relate to the most common employee questions. The ServiceNow Knowledgebase serves as a self-assisting solution to resolve issues without having to wait for IT or HR teams to resolve issues. If an employee sends a request, through a chatbot, portal, or email, the relevant knowledge articles can be automatically sent before the issue reaches a human agent. This saves a lot of HR and IT teams time and enables them to focus more on strategic work while still maintaining positive employee experiences.
  • Omnichannel Support: Most employee HR requests are repetitive. As the workforce grows, it becomes nearly impossible to get to every request manually. ServiceNow offers omnichannel communication services in the form of an HR web portal, HR mobile app, and HR chatbot. These services provide 24/7 assistance to employees in any location. These services offer personalized employee interactions and decrease resolution time.
  • Performance Analytics: Integrating ServiceNow Performance Analytics (PA) enables HR teams to analyze employee behavior across various enterprise applications. ServiceNow PA data can be used to understand employee trends, identify service delivery challenges, propose solutions, improve operational efficiency, and improve the quality of shared services across the business. HR teams can use this data to create a strategy to improve the employee experience such as training programs, IT investments, etc.

3. Manage Projects More Efficiently

The most common problems faced by project managers or teammates are assigning tasks, tracking project status, getting approvals, and raising tickets. To get these updates, managers or team members have to manually log in to a portal to find out the status, and then communicate to the team. ServiceNow’s alert management module allows users to create an alert on any project event. This way, whenever a project changes status, managers are alerted in real-time. ServiceNow can send push notifications whenever a ticket is assigned, status changes, and so on.

The ServiceNow PA module provides in-depth analytics that helps project managers plan, quantify, assess, and streamline project management efforts in line with business objectives to remain on budget and schedule. ServiceNow PA offers significant insights into various projects automatically. There is no need for analysts to manually prepare spreadsheets or charts. With ServiceNow PA, businesses can achieve visibility, governance, and accountability for all projects.

4. Ensure a Safe Workplace

Businesses must plan their return-to-work strategies and make the health and safety of employees a top priority. Employees must feel confident when returning to physical work environments. Technology can be used to establish a sense of security and safety for employees to be productive and continue their routine. ServiceNow’s Safe Workplace Apps and Emergency Response Apps are the perfect solutions.

Safe Workplace Apps

Workforce Readiness Apps

  • Employee Readiness Survey determines if employees feel confident coming back to work.
  • Employee Health Screening apps manage workforce health data and trends.

Workplace Readiness Apps

  • Workplace Safety Management lets managers handle safety tasks such as assigning shifts, create sanitization schedules, and so on.
  • Workplace PPE Inventory Management app allows management to monitor and replenish PPE Inventory and safety supplies.

Emergency Response Management Apps

  • Emergency Response Operations allows users to generate an emergency incident and appoint personnel in different locations to handle the emergency. The app also tracks the status of the incident in regular intervals.
  • Emergency Outreach evaluates the impact of emergencies on employees regularly to effectively communicate safety measures.
  • Emergency Self Report reports health status, treatment status, and back-to-work dates of infected employees.
  • Emergency Exposure Management locates the possible extent of exposure of infected employees and other employees when an employee contracts a virus.