DevOps methodology is used to reduce the development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with better quality. Quality Assurance plays a large role...
Data is the key competitive edge of any business. It's critical to be able to gather, store, and analyze data efficiently to make informed business...
Manufacturing environments require hundreds of workers to manage operational tasks properly. Unlike roles in other industries that have adapted to working...
Digital transformation is becoming increasingly relevant for businesses to stay ahead of the curve and competition. This transformation not only involves...
This month's spotlight features Lisa Sutherland, a great addition to our leadership team who is dedicated to leading and growing our Denver market and...
Chatbots have become a fundamental part of many businesses, regardless of industry. Powered by Artificial Intelligence, the application of chatbots is not...
IOTT, Improving Outcomes Through Technology, is dedicated to improving the lives of patients in the healthcare industry by providing simple pre and post...
Regression testing identifies defects or bugs that happen because of changes made in the code or while integrating a new functionality to the existing...
Many thought the world and business as we once knew it would be back to "normal" by now, but unfortunately, that's not been the case. Returning to offices...
Konrad Konarski, V-Soft's AI & IoT Practice head, shared the evolution of V-Soft's AItechnologies and offerings with end-users and clients at the recent ...