The media industry is impacted by the massive consumption of data through multiple devices. This necessitated the media and entertainment industry to...
Cloud strategy is one of the best driving forces of digital transformation. As a part of cloud strategy adoption, businesses are very keen on deploying...
The Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud model has transformed the way cloud computing and storage infrastructure services are attained and...
AWS Lambda is a server-less computing service that lets the developers run their code in the standard runtime environment of Lambda without having to...
Data is vital to making better business decisions. In the age of information revolution, large chunks of data from different formats are being sourced to...
The modern digital business environments makes enterprise mobility a crucial aspect. On-demand service delivery is pivotal to enterprise mobility. In this...
No matter where you turn, mention of Cloud Computing is everywhere in the IT industry. But what is the Cloud, and where is it located? And most...