Organizations are increasingly turning to digitized solutions with the aim of streamlining their operations and providing improvised customer service. For...
This month we are spotlighting Regional Market Director, Elisabeth Marmugi. Elisabeth is a part or our V-Soft team in Toronto. Her bright personality and...
Businesses are undergoing a technological revolution and several companies from different industries are adopting top-notch technologies for business and...
Gartner expects these 2023 trends to impact enterprise strategies in the coming three years: The biggest one is optimizing resilience, operations, or...
This month we are spotlighting Regional Delivery Manager, Evan Eley. Evan joined the V-Soft Family at the beginning of 2022 and has since aided in the...
Designing an API can be difficult, and it’s sometimes hard to know if you’re doing things right. How do you know you’re not making mistakes when building...
As more companies are shifting toward hybrid work and adopting cloud-based frameworks, cyber security requires regular updates. Security breaches in...
This month we are spotlighting Human Resources Director, Sherry Powers. Sherry is a new addition to the V-Soft family and has made an incredible impact...
Technology is ever-changing and every day new advancements arrive in the IT sector. However, there are some technologies which are constantly used by many...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming commonplace in the corporate world and many businesses are rapidly integrating their enterprises with AI. The...