Universities and school districts around the nation are struggling to find the most effective ways to continue their instruction amidst an ongoing global...
The challenges of 2020 are no secret with the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic. The world has seen and experienced economic downfalls, infrastructure...
The power grid is literally what powers our nation. Power grids usually go unnoticed, until something goes wrong. From power outages to full-blown...
As businesses across the globe have been forced to quickly adapt to the effects of COVID-19, they're now tasked with the challenge of transitioning back...
Oil and gas is one of the most profitable industries in the world. Usually, most of the oil and gas industry operations happen in highly susceptible and...
The 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic has taught us that remote work options are a necessity for businesses. The digital workplace is no longer an option. Remote...
Computer Vision is one of the most cost-effective and scalable solutions for monitoring social distancing, PPE compliance and contact tracing....
In these times of social distancing, it's more important than ever to have a visual on your manufacturing floor, retail shop, office environment and so...
The crisis of COVID-19 has had many businesses struggling to adapt to the changing environment. V-Soft COO, Keith Giffney, shares his advice one how to...
Health crises and natural disasters are the biggest challenges to humankind. Research by Aon plc estimates that in 2019, global economic losses due to...