Bijal Shah is V-Soft's HR Manager (indirect), based out of Louisville, Kentucky. She is a long-time employee and very dedicated to her job. This month we...
Institutions today are facing budget pressures, technology changes, expectations to keep tuition low, and pressure to improve processes and student...
Many companies have become confused into the ideas that motivational slogans and wishful thinking are the same thing as a strategy. Because of this, we...
It’s a dangerous trend that has only been on the rise: companies overworking their IT departments. With today’s needs to do more with less, companies are...
A few days ago V-Soft Consulting Group Inc. was named by Staffing Industry Analysts as one of the top 100 fastest growing staffing firms in the U.S. This...
Before Arriving To Kentucky
Born and in raised in the west coast while studying in the northeast, when I received a callback from V-Soft Consulting...
A desk job can be demanding on your mind, but can also be demanding on your body. For daily exercise it is recommended by physicians to get in at least 30...
It's my third week in Louisville, Kentucky interning with V-Soft Consulting and each week presents me with new and challenging experiences.
The job interview is the time you need to be on your game. Be prepared and follow these tips from the pros to ensure you have the best chance of winning...
So you’ve got a dream job interview lined up, but you’re not sure what to expect? Don’t worry. You’re definitely not alone. We have all been there.