Artificial intelligence (AI) is a groundbreaking, innovative technology that serves several industries. In the staffing industry specifically, AI can be...
To go from being a good recruiter to a professional recruiting source, you need to know your market. Being knowledgeable working in your market is...
The day you start a new job you should begin planning for you next job. Today employees must create and manage their own career paths, as promotions are...
Thinking differently is your strength. When it comes to business, prompting discussion or stirring the pot can be beneficial. Although coming to an...
At some point in your life you will be in a job interview – it is a fact of life, like death and taxes. Acing the interview is what everyone wants to be...
Jennifer Hegener is V-Soft Consulting’s Director of Recruiting, based in Chicago, Illinois. She works closely with our Recruiters and Resource Managers to...
If you're like the >60% Americans who eat at your desk (myself included), you probably think that you're getting more work done by staying at your...
The HR department is often one of the most overworked and understaffed departments in a company. They have to answer dozens of benefits-related questions...
Finding the right staff members to round out your team can be challenging. Especially taking into consideration your company culture and the needs of your...
Have you ever wondered how much it really costs to hire somebody into your company? Countless managers will put together a budget for a new hire only to...