Small and large companies alike, keeping track of Paid Time Off for all employees can be an unnecessary hassle. Jumping in and out of individual...
In today’s workforce, employees expect consumer-grade experiences. How do you consumerize the customer service experience, while at the same time...
Ensuring higher education IT service management systems are functional and online 24/7 can be a difficult task. Paired with that are the costs of...
V-Soft was a Silver Sponsor at Knowledge17 this year in Orlando, Florida. We were proud of the opportunity to take twelve of our staff members to the...
It's early in the morning for a college student – just before eight a.m., when the professor strolls into the classroom, barking his customary greeting of...
Chatbots are most well known for being customer service aids, or being able to answer someone's questions about a specific product or service. But did you...
It's almost one of our favorite times of the year: ServiceNow's Knowledge conference is coming up! Knowledge17 is the biggest event of the year for...
Chatbots for business are transforming how work gets done. They exist for social media, websites, and even business to business conversations. However,...
ITSM stands for Information Technology Service Management. It refers to all managerial aspects of IT businesses, including models for IT planning,...
Knowledge17 is the next installment of ServiceNow's huge conference that spans five days and boasts over 200 sessions on a variety of topics related to...